The definition of disability according to your supplemental pension plan and LIF

Defined contribution pension plan and defined benefit pension plan

If your plan provides for a refund

You must have a physical or mental disability that reduces your life expectancy.

However, your plan could have stricter eligibility requirements. For example, it may provide that the reduction in life expectancy must be significant.

If your plan provides for a disability pension

You must have a physical or mental disability that requires you to:

  • stop working for the employer offering the plan
  • end your active membership in the plan

However, your plan could have stricter eligibility requirements.

The eligibility requirements for a disability pension must be provided for in the plan text. For example, it may provide that the disability must be serious and prolonged.

Simplified pension plan (SIPP) or locked-in retirement account (LIRA)

You must have a physical or mental disability that reduces your life expectancy. It is not necessary for the reduction to be significant.

The financial institution cannot have any other requirements.

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