Contact the administrator

Do you have a personal question regarding a supplemental pension plan (SPP), a voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP), a locked-in retirement account (LIRA) or a life income fund (LIF)? Are you entitled to a refund and would like to file an application for one?

This is what to do to contact an administrator or a person that represents it regarding a:

Supplemental pension plan (SPP)

Whether a supplemental pension plan is a defined-contribution plan (including simplified pension plan (SIPP)), a defined-benefit plan or a target-benefit plan, the administrator is either:

  • a pension committee
  • an employer, if the plan has less than 26 members and beneficiaries, and if the plan text provides that the employer is the administrator
  • a person or a body authorized by law to administer the plan
  • a financial institution, if it is a simplified pension plan (SIPP).

The contact information is indicated on the member's or beneficiary's annual statement of benefits.

You can also obtain the contact information by using the Pension plans supervised by Retraite Québec online service.

If needed, you can find a previous pension plan.

Voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP)

The voluntary retirement savings plan's administrator is either:

  • an insurance company
  • a trust company
  • an investment fund manager.

The contact information is indicated on the member's annual statement of benefits.

You can also obtain the contact information by consulting the list of VRSPs registered with Retraite Québec.

Locked-in retirement account (LIRA)

A locked-in retirement account (LIRA) is established by a financial institution. The contact information may be included in the documents (e.g., investments summary) sent to the holder of the LIRA.

If necessary, consult the list of Financial Institutions Offering LIRAs.

Life income fund (LIF)

A financial institution establishes and manages life income funds (LIFs). The contact information may be included in the statement sent at the beginning of each year to the holder of the LIF.

If necessary, consult the list of Financial Institutions Offering LIFs.

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