Application for a Statement of Benefits in the Course of a Dissolution of a Civil Union Before a Notary

No form is offered. This application for a Statement of Benefits regarding a voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP) or a supplemental pension plan in the private, municipal or university sectors concerns couples who:

  • are in a civil union
  • have stopped living together
  • have taken steps with a notary for a dissolution of a civil union.

The person must provide the plan administrator with:

  • the name and address of the member
  • the name and address of the spouse
  • proof of the date of the civil union
  • the declaration, signed by the couple, of the date on which the net value of the family patrimony was established
  • the written confirmation from a notary who obtained a mandate to take steps for a dissolution of a civil union.

If needed, consult the table of forms for requesting a Statement of Benefits.

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